Linked Workflow not running at end of execution

I have a simple workflow

just taking input from user and linking them to a machine workflow, but the linked workflow is not being executed. Any Idea why?

This is the End step;

The highlighted fields are empty but its ok because they’re optional.

Hi, it’s not that you need something in the green ring in the linked wflow? And can you try to make it a user wflow just to try?

As you can see here the linked workflow the start step is already configured

If you click on “Edit Output Variables” in the End step, are all the variables selected there? They must be selected in order to be “passed on” to the next app (in this case the machine flow).

I had struggled to find the reason for this as well. So, I hope this saves you some time.

Also please try with a user wflow. I am not sure it works passing from user to machine. Do you know Daniel?

So can you help me understand the intended functionality of this?

The help seems to indicate that executing a machine flow is part of the intended design.

End step - Flow Help (

But when I created a simple flow, added a linked workflow to a machine step that just did some logging, I get this error in the calling flow: The user has no access to the workflow or the workflow has been removed.

Yes, they are

The intended functionality was simple, just to pass variables into the linked machine flow to execute.
And I saw in the docs that it should’ve worked, thats why I was confused.
I was getting no errors or anything

I just duplicated the machine workflow and turned into a workflow fragment before the end step. That seemed to work.

It doesn’t appear that you can go from a User Workflow to a Machine workflow unless you use a swimlane or a fragment. But, even in the swimlane, you cannot link from the end step: you must have your code in the “machine” swimane.

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