Call an user define process after Novacura Login

Hi All,

I have a question regarding one provision in Novacura which I couldn’t find in Forum or documents.

As stated earlier, if I’m using Novacura Portal2 as application I can’t skip the below login while logging into any screen under any menu created for an application.

As per our client requirement,

every time they log into portal2 they need to call some webservice or DB methods to validate the user Id they are logged into.

I know in general it validates teh user id created in flow studio along with password.

So is there any way that I can call a process (this may be DB package function/REST API call) once a user logs into Novacura portal by above way ;and we know that we can’t skip this log in.

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You can set up OpenId to move the login process from the flow user database to another IDP, like Entra, etc. I’m not sure if that is what you seek?

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Dear Ola,

I think my problem will eb solved via Open Id Connect feature in Novacura.
Do we have an example how to set up this?

There is a documentation in this but I’m still not getting how to use this.
Any help in this well appreciated !!


On the Flow side, there is this: OpenID Connect | Flow Help

But setting it up on the IDP side is a chapter on its own and a little bit out of scope.

Hi Ola,

IN the Authentication flow: of OPEN ID doc there are 2 options I can see.
Authentication Code Flow + PKCE and Implicit Flow.

What is teh difference between these .


I think you should use Auth code with pkce. There are two different things in the OAuth2 standard, so there is plenty of information on the internet about it, but Auth code with pkce is more secure.