Portal 2 - Selecting workflows


I have some questions regarding data sources and quick actions. When I create a new flow from a Record portal and then try to select it as a data source, it doesn’t appear as an option. Are there any requirements for it to be selectable?

Regarding quick actions, it’s the same issue. I have created 2 test flows and tried to select them, but none appear in the menu. I can see all other flows more or less, but not the ones I want.

Best regards


Hi Victor,

Hope these two links will help you.
Common configuration | Flow Help

Table | Flow Help



Hi Viktor,

Had to test this myself in an internal environment. For a machine workflow to be visible and used as a datasource you need to create the machine workflow with a “datasource” Input and variable schema as shown in the screenshot. But when you create a workflow from the portal, this is done for you. My workflows that I create from the portal shows up as datasources in the Portal dropdown.

These requirements isn’t very clear in the Flow help. Should be improved @Amri .

For quick actions in the table portlet, any machine workflow seam to show up, regardless of the input schema.

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Thanks Albin I’ll check on improving the flow help requirements.

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Hi Albin,

Thanks for the information. I agree that the flow help should mention this as well

