We have created a LOV which is taking data from a table
Created a cascading LOV which filter out based on input from LOV from step1
Scenario →
Need to create another LOV which will take an input from teh LOV declared in Step2.
I tried to create a casacding LOV for above scenario but 2nd LOV isn’t showing as a datasource.
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Is it expected that we can’t use a cascaded LOV as a data source to another LOV?
If so , what is teh solution for my scenario because I need to fetch the data in 3rd LOV from the filterred O/P from 2nd LOV.
I think this is about cascading LOV’s in the portal, not the data grid. But nevertheless, I think it is solvable.
Bhaski, If you look at the example at:
You will see the first cascade. If you want to chain on that through further leves, say you want zipcodes for the cities you would do the exact same as for cities, but for zipcodes.
If you want to try it, us this data source for cities:
Select ‘USA’ as Country, 1 as CityId, null as ZipCode
Union all
Select ‘USA’ as Country, 2 as CityId, null as ZipCode
Union all
Select ‘Spain’ as Country, 3 as CityId, null as ZipCode
Union all
Select ‘Spain’ as Country, 4 as CityId, null as ZipCode
and create two lovs for zipcodes, just like for cities: