Printing on a portable printer through flow (bluetooth)

Is it possible to print labels from Flow on a mobile printer through bluetooth such as Zebra ZQ210?
Or does flow demand that the printer is installed on the server somehow so that flow kan send labels to be printed to it?

Good question, let me check that with one of our experts and get back to you.


This is absolutely possible. We have an app on the app store called Flow Print. If you are able to get the info in ZPL format, you can send off a BLE connected device with our External App Launcher. The example attached is more generic, where the ZPL is built from scratch, but if you are using NiceLabel Automation, they have REST APis that can provide back the ZPL format - which can then be printed.
Flow Print External App Launcher.flow (77.0 KB)

Great. thanks for your answer! Really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Yes, indeed you can - we’ve set up mobile printers (Zebra ZQ630) to work with Novacura via Bluetooth and NiceLabel

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