Error message importing a REST configuration

our DMS provides a REST API. We can export an openapi 3.0.1 definition als .json and we try to import it.
We get the following error message:

Digging deeper in this issue, it seems novacura are not able to deal with this definition:
“attributes”: [
“attributeDefinitionUUID”: “string”,
“values”: [

We are not able to get values in “values”: [ ]
We already tested different settings with "Is array (of Model or Type) and with Type (Object or Object (embedded)) but with no success.
Our consultants told me, that some custom C# code is requiered.

Anyone get an idea how to solve this issue?

Best regards,

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ah yes Flow has an issue with nameless columns so to speak (just the string, not a name for it).
You could try to just name it something, like values for example.
I think that will work if the model is for receiving data.

Hi @OlaCarlander ,
yes, I set this option and get a error message:

I tested it without the option “Is array (of Model or Type)” with the following result:
My log looks like this:

I expect:
[{“attributeDefinitionUUID”:“fa64043d-afc7-4888-8102-833c2decc3e8”,“values”:[“my value”],“attributeDataType”:“STRING”}]

Hope you can help me?

Best regards,

Its a bit hard to see it, its internal or any way I can access the API?

But what I mean is not the values array, but to name the “string” to something. Either by chaning the json you create the model from, or manyally in the connector project under “Values”. The “string” needs a name so to speak

“attributeDefinitionUUID”: “string”,
“values”: [

Hi @OlaCarlander ,
unfortunatly this is an internal api only for our internal services, but I could provide the open api 3.0.1 definition if you want. I was not able to upload it because I am new to this board.

I doesnt understand your answer. If I am able to save the API, the request is ok. But I am not able to fill out the “string” value with the my flow. The paramater are not set by my flow (in the monitoring/log file). With other api settings I am not able to save it because of the error message.

How could we proceed with that?

Best regards,

Ok I see. It is a bit tricky to tell exactly what goes wrong. But I know there is an issue when we get values where the “column” so to speak (if it would have been a database) does not have a name.

So my suggestion to try would be instead of:

“attributeDefinitionUUID”: “string”,
“values”: [


“attributeDefinitionUUID”: “string”,
“values”: [
“DummyName": "string”

Or if you were able to build the project (create the connector) you could also set a name as per the earlier screenshot I sent.

But it can sometimes be a bit tricky. If that does not work and nobody else here has any good ideas it would perhaps be best if you create a support ticket for it and we can see if we can find a consultant that can be of assistance to this specific case. Sharing screens etc.


(necroing a subject a bit)

just had a similar case while trying to use google API (geocode)
That one returns an array called “types” of strings but with no names, just values:

So i played around with it and it turns out these days there is a “Undefined” model that we can use:

And it accepts such arrays (assigning them to “value” automaticaly):

(Not sure when this became a thing but its there in v6.14.10)

Hope this helps (someone :))



This is a very helpful thread. @ivstde @OlaCarlander seem very knowledgeable of how this all works. It would be great if they could help me as I also have some questions relating to REST.