Customized CSS is not working in HTML to PDF Converter

Hello Community,
I am trying to generate an invoice using HTML to PDF Connector with HTML & CSS in the Novacura, but it isn’t generating the PDF and showing the below error pop-up.

It is working fine if I’m not using CSS or using pre-loaded CSS. But while using my customized CSS it’s not working which is working well in my local machine. It’ll be a great if anyone helps.

Anupam Charan Pahari

Hi @ANUP ,

not sure what could be wrong (you should provide more details, maybe attach the flow stripped of sensitive data or the CSS you are trying to use)

but in general the connector supports CSS Level 2 Spec so if you are trying with some element that were added later…could be why you get no pages.

Hope this helps!


Hi Ivan,
Thanks for the reference. It works with the mentioned CSS Format i.e., CSS Level 2.

Thanks & regards,