Error "Query fileds is missing alias" in a Machine Step


I am getting that error in SQL queries that are executed without any error in Azure Studio. Anyone has a clue why is that happening?

The SQL command is the following:

SELECT CodSistem as CodSis, CodObjeto as CodObj
, TRIM(ISNULL(DscObjeto,'')) as Descri
FROM mwwSIRESP.dbo.Objectos ORDER BY CodSistem

Try using quotes (") around your column name in leu of using the “as” declaration like so:

SELECT CodSistem "CodSis", CodObjeto "CodObj", TRIM(ISNULL(DscObjeto,'')) "Descri"
FROM mwwSIRESP.dbo.Objectos 
ORDER BY CodSistem

It worked! Thank you very much.