Hi. If I am using an Oracle connector, how do I get values out of the machine step? I vaguely recall doing this years ago but lost the backup of the code.
For example, let’s say I have an Oracle machine step and I want to run an anonymous block of SQL and return a value or two for use in the next step in my flow, remind me how to do that, please.
October 14, 2022, 2:30pm
:Out_YourParameter := YourSQLVariable;
Once you do that a record (w/o iterator) or a Table (with iterator) should activate as output on the top right.
Here is another example with an api call…
v_barcode VARCHAR2(200) := :vBarcode;
v_01_gtin_result VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
v_10_lot_result VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
v_17_exp_result VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
v_21_serial_result VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
v_37_result VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
v_decoded VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
v_verified VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
ifsapp.vns_barcode_decode_api.Get_gs1_readable(i_barcode => v_barcode, o_01_gtin_result => v_01_gtin_result, o_10_lot_result => v_10_lot_result, o_17_exp_result => v_17_exp_result, o_21_serial_result => v_21_serial_result, o_37_result => v_37_result, o_decoded => v_decoded, o_verified => v_verified);
:out_gtin := v_01_gtin_result;
:out_lot := v_10_lot_result;
:out_exp := v_17_exp_result;
:out_serial := Nvl(v_21_serial_result, '*');
:out_id37 := v_37_result;
:out_decoded := v_decoded;
:out_verified := v_verified;
I don’t think I ever said Thank You! Please forgive me for that, and THANK YOU.